Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Happy Hump Day

I finished up a small bag for my iPod. I just wanted a little protective bag, to keep it from getting scratched up when I throw it in my purse. I had some ribbon yarn in an interesting rust color and even made up a chart for a cool design and did some colorwork on it. I’m a little disappointed with how it came out. I used black to add the design and it’s very muted against the rust color. I did learn some cool stuff though: Ribbon yarn is scratchy, it’s also a pain to seam and weave ends with.

I was supposed to have snazzy pictures of said iPod bag but alas, technology and I are not getting along. My home computer is a wreck, it crashed badly last week to the point it would not boot. I had two options at that point 1) reformat the computer or 2) reinstall windows only. In an effort to save information on the hard drive, I took the reinstall windows route. Well, that was not a great idea. Yes, I save the info, but other programs are acting all screwy. Right now, when I connect my digital camera to the computer it tells me that it’s connected until I go to transfer pictures, then it won’t read the camera. I can’t seem to uninstall the software for the camera, and it keeps giving me error messages when I try to reinstall. This isn’t the only program that is doing this to me either. I’m beside myself. I know what I need to do. I need to save EVERYTHING I want onto cds and then reformat the computer. It’s the only way; I need to start the thing over from scratch. Part of me says well, it’s not that bad, the other part of me says it’s not even worth it.

In other news I’m very cranky. I don’t know whether I want to scream, cry, or throw something or someone against the wall. I’m so exhausted too, I’m sleeping but I wake up feeling as though I haven’t slept in days. My face is breaking out, I’ve been late to work two days in a row, my mind keeps wandering, I can’t focus and I’m forgetting things. I had a skein of yarn in my hands this morning that I was suppose to put in my knitting bag now I have no idea where the yarn is. Obviously I put it down somewhere but where is anyone’s guess.
Okay enough complaining. I better start working, after all it’s Wednesday (hump day) there’s only 2 days left of work for the week after today and there’s only 8 more hours before I can go home tonight.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Merry, Happy, yada, yada

Wow. I wish I could say I have a really great knitting update, but the only thing i've knitted in the last several weeks was a swatch for an idea I have for an I-Pod case. Things in general have been crazy.

Christmas was lovely, I got some really great gifts including a sword, cds, dvds, several cookbooks, charms for my nomination bracelet, a swift (YAY!) and a gift certificate to my LYS. I'm so tired and it snowed last night. I best get showered or i'll never get to work.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

duck & cover


That is all I have to say!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

How do you spell I.N.S.A.N.E.

This was suppose to be a limited stress day for me. The boss isn't around, I should have been free to catch up on work. Instead I am far from relaxed.

First off I will admit, I'm not the best teacher in the world. I get very impatient with people. For quite a while now my boss and I have agreed that our payroll department needs to be kicked into the 21st century. They are still doing timesheets, certified payroll reports and union reports manually. This is leading to a lot of wasted time, which could be spent on other things. Our payroll manager is quite happy and does not want to change anything she does. Our other payroll clerk is more open to change, but in her attempts to make things better she is bittting off more then she can chew. Today she decided to some of her certified reports in excel. Great! Except for the fact that she doesn't know how to create a spreadsheet or formulas, etc. So, I've been spending a good portion of my day in there working with her. I've asked my boss more then once to please send the two of them to a class, he keeps saying okay, then nothing is done. I don't mind helping people, showing them how to do something, but she is not even grasping the basics.

The situation is complicated more by the fact that neither of these women is computer savvy at all, They have no idea how files are stored on our network, or even what a file is. I just want to scream, but I can't.

Then, my new assistant was pulled from me this week because our billing coordinator was behind and needed help. This week was scheduled to be more training for her since I was catching up on work, and that's now pushed back. This morning I'm at my desk when I here her paging over the intercom she is filling in for the receptionist, she never told me, I called the Billing coordinator, she never told her either. There is too much work to be done down here for her to be filling in on the reception desk. GRRRRRRR...

Of course there are the comical moments at work. One co-worker left work at 9:30 today came back at 12:00pm. Where did she go? For a botox injection. She is on company time getting a botox injection?????? Brilliant, just Brilliant!