I finally got around to felting the booga bag I made back in September. I know I know it took me over 4 months to throw something in the washing machine. What can I say, I am the queen of procrastination. (please excuse the poor picture quality)
I also felted two swatches for a couple of iPod cozies, one for the future hubby, and a replacement one for me (I really don't like the original one I made). The black one was made from a random skein of alpaca (I decided this yarn is too nice to felt, so I'm going to save it as an accent to a future project.) The purple one is from some reynolds lopi, I'm gonna go with that one. It'll make a nice think case, so my iPod won't get all scratched up in my purse. I'm going to try to work in some color, but I have to see if I can figure out a chart that takes into account the percentage of shrinkage once felted.
In the news of the Charlotte's web shawl, I only have 26 more rows to go, granted there's a fair amount of stitches per row, it's still only 26 more rows.