Thursday, August 26, 2004

Finally some breathing room

The last two weeks have been hell. It started with the passing of a very close family friend, who left behind a wife and two very small children. His police funeral was the saddest thing I have ever been to, and most of my family was quite numb for several days. Beyond that, work has been kicking my butt. We had some corporate auditors in last week which involved my boss giving me various tasks of running around gathering information for them and this week 3 co-workers are away so I'm helping out picking up the slack, in addition to my own work of course. Finally there is light at the end of the tunnel and I see breathing space, yesterday in particular was a perfect day combining work and knitting.

My boss had signed the two of us up for a IRS/SSA seminar in Manhattan. I had assumed it was an all day affair until I was leaving work on Tuesday, he handed me the paperwork I was going to need, and said "it ends at 1pm tomorrow, and we're not coming back here afterward. See you there."

I had a lovely trip into the city, arrived about an hour early, sat in starbucks right near the federal building the seminar was being held at and quietly sipped coffee while reading "Zen and the art of knitting".

The seminar was quite boring,what do we expect from the IRS and Social Security but we were finished by 1pm. Eugene asked if I was heading back to NJ and I replied no I was going up to 14th street. So he suggested lunch. We hoped in a cab up to Union Square and had a lovely lunch in an outdoor cafe. When we were done, he left for home reminding me "remember when we get in tomorrow, it was a all day seminar." I laughed, waved and heading down to knit New York.

It was there that I was finally able to get the yarn for my Charlotte. Huzzah!!!!
I had found 4 lovely colors and was hesitate on the fifth, a lovely girl that worked there was trying to help me find the 5th. I picked one and she went down to get me my yarn. She came back up and had found a different color(not displayed on the floor) that went with the original four better. I sat down, did some knitting and then rounded off the day by meeting up with my darling fiance.

All and all a well earned day of relaxing. On that note I'm off to shower and head to work.


Amie said...

So sorry about the loss, but glad to hear you'll have a chance to settle a bit... knit on!

Heath said...

Thank you Amie!