Overall it was an okay weekend. There weren't any major catastrophe's and there weren't any major family blow-ups. That my friends is a very good thing.
Darling Tim came home from Ireland on Wednesday, I was so happy to see him. He's seen better weekends to come home to though. His flight was delayed 2 hours, he landed to pouring rain here in New Jersey. Thursday after a cup of coffee, his tooth started hurting him really bad. It was horrible to watch. Ambesol and motrin was all we could do till he could call a dentist. His dentist couldn't see him till next Thursday, it got so bad by Saturday we had to call my mom's dentist, and he wound up having to pull the tooth. I was in quite a bitchy mood the last few days as well. I came down with a head cold and was so miserable and achy. It seems to be much better thanks to vitamin C, sudafed, and some TLC from Tim.
In knitting news I did do a bit of knitting this weekend. I started a pair of socks in this really cool hot pink color, I am not going to show a picture because I frogged them tonight. I worked all the way down the cuffs, the heel, turned the heel, picked up the gusset, was starting the foot, and tried the thing on it was too big. Oh well, I'll start again new. Not a big deal, it went super quick.
I also have been working on some christmas-y ornaments. Some quick, easy mittens. Here they are, nothing fancy, they use up odds and ends though and are super cute.
I also got a package from my secret pal in Washington. She sent me 2 skeins of Reynolds Lopi, the book "Knit One, Felt Two" and some lavender soap. She rocks!
I've got a package all ready to send out tomorrow for my pal, it's going to Maryland so she should have it by Wednesday.
As you can see I also attempted to change my blog a bit. It didn't come out exactly how I wanted it to. It looked quite different when I was previewing it. It's better though, I'll fix it later. Keep Knitting