My fiancé was robbed last Wednesday for the second time in 15 months, the jerk-offs got out of there with his DVD player, playstation, cable box and telephone among other things. No-one was home, so nobody was hurt. But it really sucks and it’s a horrible violating feeling. He has finally decided to get out of the Bronx (Thank God). Over the next month we will start the process him moving in. I’m very excited. Unfortunately, our apartment will not be entirely our apartment until my sister moves out sometime before my wedding next April. Everyone seems very happy with the arrangement, I’m sure there will be an adjustment period for him and I, but it will be fine.
My job is driving me mad. I’m not going to go off here too much. There is just a lot of work and too few people. It’s a drama fest here. I can see light in the tunnel, but I can’t tell yet if it’s the tunnel exit or a train, so I guess I’ve got to wait and see.
In knitting news: I decided that the rogue hooded sweater is going on hold until I’m in a better frame of mind with less outside distraction. I knitted all of three rows of a hat last week and that was it. The hat matches scarf I had finished in September I’ve decided to go back to the scarf, make it longer and add some sort of edging. I’m hoping all is relatively quiet at work today and that I can get out at a decent time. There is a knitting meet up tonight and I really want to go.
I don’t want to forget this. My secret pal sent me a package last week. I received it Wednesday night. That was the day Tim was robbed, so the package was nice uplifting thing to come home to and made me very happy. I have a very thoughtful and generous secret pal; she really found great stuff that suited me. I got a book of hat patterns, a skein of kureyon to knit up a hat with, ginger altoids (these are so good), point protectors, the cutest retractable sheep tape measure (Sheeeepies!) and peppermint patty lip balm (my lips taste like mint chocolate, it’s yummy!) Here is a pic of everything.
Thank You so much secret pal!
P.S. R.E.M. this Thursday at Madison Square Garden!!!!!
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