I worked on Charlotte yesterday; she’s a few rows away from being done, yippee! I can’t wait, I get so distracted by new projects, and it’s nice to finish off some stuff. I’m almost ½ ways through thing two from the mystery kit. My sister will be getting the finished things (no I’m still not telling what they are).
My mother surprised me on Saturday with a late B-Day gift. She was going to pay for a drop spindle class for me, but the woman from the store never called me with any of the information. Instead, mom went and got me a ball winder. She’s known since hubby got me my swift for Christmas that I wanted one. I’m so excited. Is it scary that a ball winder gets me excited these days?
I also had a little bit of a yarn drama on Saturday. I spent Saturday morning cleaning and straightening the apartment. I had a paper shopping bag on the floor of our office with the 3 skeins of Dale Baby Ull I bought a few weeks ago. Apparently the dog must not have liked the smell of this bag, because she marked it and ruined it. AGHHH…. I was ready to cry. Hubby calmed me down. Later in the afternoon, we went out, and I decided to go on a yarn expedition.
I drove over to Handknits in Englewood, where I never seem to have any luck. I wound up being pleasantly surprised. I was finally able to use my gift certificate from Christmas I picked up 3 new skeins of the Ull in the same color I originally bought (Yes!) and two in a baby pick color. I also picked up “Confessions of a Knitting Heretic” by Annie Modesitt. I almost picked up yarn to do the “Market Squares” bag from A knitters dozen, but I didn’t like the selection of Lamb’s pride they had. I’m almost tempted to make it out of Cascade 200, since it’s on sale this week at WEBS for $4.70 a hank. Then again, I have too many projects going on as it is.
I did start organizing some stuff per hubby’s request. Most of my stash is stored in Rubbermaid containers. I do have a tendency to keep new acquisitions and the numerous WIP’s all over the apartment. DH asked me to keep them in a neat wicker basket, so I did. Here are my yarn purchases for this year (not too bad for 5 months) I still need to put my WIP’s in here as well.