Here is what I knit up last night.
Now she’s right, it knits very well, I just am not happy with the stitch definition, I was looking for something cleaner, it’s my own fault though, and I should have realized it. This stuff feels and knits just like cotton chenille. So now I don’t know what to do.
The LYS around me are ridiculous and with hubby not feeling 100% I can’t get into NYC, so I may just have to give up on this sweater. I do have other things to work on.
On a personal note, I feel horrible. Maybe it’s just I’m coming down from the wedding high, and stress of hubby’s medical situation. Maybe it’s just that I had hoped that my apartment would be anything but the disaster it looks like right now, but I’m really depressed. Whenever I walk into my kitchen and see nothing on the windows and a Rubbermaid storage container blocking my cabinets I want to cry. I want my bedroom to look like a bedroom, I want to paint my bathroom and repair the wall in there. I know everything comes in time, but it doesn’t help that my sister moved out yesterday and Mom says her apartment looks great and will be set up before mine is finished.
For what it's worth, I think the pink yarn looks cute - fuzzy and snuggly like a little bunny. I don't think you have to give up on it, unless it totally doesn't work with the pattern (like, if there are cables).
Thanks for the vote of confidence on the yarn!
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