Last post was my knitting resolutions for 2006. I am proud to say I have accomplished one of them. I learned how to spin!
In the last month I've taken some classes. One 2-day class was devoted solely to the drop spindle, the other 2-day class was suppose to be all encompassing, but alas once we saw all the spinning wheels that went out the door. We learned about fiber prep and played on the wheels. I'd like to say we were spinning, but we were all struggling.
incidentally, I took the class with the wheel before the drop spindle class. I think the fact we weren't shown drafting properly was the main problem. It was fun to sit at the wheels and make these chunky blobs of tiny skeins. Once I got into the other class and saw the instructor drafting, it hit me "OH, That's what you do!".
This is the skein I made in the 2-day drop spindle class.
I'm spinning away and having so much fun. I'm going to invest in a wheel sometime soon, I'm just not sure which one. At our class, I tried the Louet S10 and Lendrum, the instructor couldn't understand why I was more comfortable on the Louet. Oh well, I want to try the ashford traveller before I make any decisions.
In knitting news, I'm just trudging along, I just finished up a pile of knitted chicks for my mothers kindergarten class and I'm in the middle of some cabled socks. Next up is a scarf from Mason- Dixon knitting. This book is fabulous, especially if you enjoy knitting stuff for around the house or apartment.
That's it for now. Till next time bloggers!
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