Tuesday, October 05, 2004


R.E.M.'s new album "Around the Sun" came out today. It's 9:15 in the morning, I have no way of getting it until lunch time. Darling Fiance called me at 7:52 to let me know he picked it up a copy for himself at a store in Grand Central Station on his way to the office.

I've been in a horrible mood since yesterday. I think it's the change in weather, I don't want to be near people. I'm cranky, and would just like a good cry. There is one positive spin to not wanting to socialize, I'm getting knitting done. The booga bag is done, it just needs to be thrown in the wash & felted up. I've got 42 rows left on Charlotte and I started the scarf from "Knitting on the edge." Now if I could only work up the balls to cast on for "Rogue" we'd be in business.

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