Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I am a complete moron!

I love to learn.

I hate having to learn things the hard way.

I have no other way to say this other then, I am a complete moron. I've been working on the sleeves for rogue, I have already frogged them once due to two noticeable errors. This time I've been careful, the cables are looking great. However, it did come to my attention more then once that I don't seem to be increasing enough stitches for the number I am decreasing. Did I stop the first time this thought occurred to me and check the pattern? NO! Did I stop the second time? NO!

So today, I am nicely minding my own business during lunch, knitting away merrily I realized I'm almost finished with chart for the sleeve cable, so I pull the rest of the pattern out to read the sleeve portion again. That's when it hits me. I had only been increasing at each end every 6 rows that's 2 stitches. I was suppose to be increasing 4 2 on the ends one before the 1st marker and 1 after the second. DOH!

What can I say other then I am a moron. I hate learning lessons like this. Always triple read the pattern and always trust your gut instinct, if it feels wrong when your knitting: IT PROBABLY IS!

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