On to more happy things; Timmy is feeling better, YAY! He has a follow-up on Thursday, hopefully that will go well.
I finally downloaded the pictures from Ireland off my digital, I haven’t had time to go through them all, but I picked out two to show off here.
Here are Tim and I in the church in Ballylongford (The church is beautiful).
Here are the Bride and Groom cutting the cake (This cake was like a brick to cut through).
I wish I could say that I accomplished mounds of knitting over the last few weeks but I haven’t (I wish continental allowed needles in carry on during international flights). I managed about 85% of the silk spring scarf I was working on, and last night I finally finished a sock. How horrible am I, it’s taken me forever to do one sock.
It’s very comfortable but, I have no desire to knit the other.
I stopped at my lys on Saturday, I hate going into this place, it’s unorganized, messy (there is yarn all over the floor) and usually I wind up coming out empty-handed. I was looking for some cotton yarn to do a baby sweater. The little girl will be 1 in three weeks; her mother only ever dresses her in pastel pink or purple so I was limited in color choices. I knew anything else would not be worn.
I found some lovely Rowan DK cotton in a lovely pink. I needed 5 skeins, they only had 4, and there was a purple but only 3 skeins of that. There was nothing else there I could work with, since I needed something machine washable and was limited in color.
It wasn’t a total waste however; they finally received a shipment of Koigu (I’ve been checking since October). I bought two more skeins, Yes, I admit it, I have Koigu problems, but look how pretty it is…
I’m either going to do socks (which I may have to go back for a third skein,(and yes Ironic socks)) or I’m going to do fingerless gloves for work.
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