Tuesday, August 03, 2004

More Yarn

My search for Koigu is again in vain, only a few days after my escapade in NYC I tried the one decent store in my area for Koigu. I went in looking and the owners daughter asked if I needed help, and then she recognized me from last time I was there about a month ago. She let me know that they still hadn't gotten the shipment in, but it should be in by October. ((SIGH))

So, I turned my attention toward Rogue. I had toyed with the idea of making it with Cascade, but since said store didn't carry it I looked around a bit. I found some Jamieson shetland double knitting. The gauge is 22-26 st per 4 inches on size 4-6. Rogue calls for 18 per 4 or 4.5 per inch. I was fairly certain that if I swatched on size 7 needles I would be close, the salesgirl looked at me like I had 4 heads when I asked for her opinion, she said "no the yarn states 22-26 stiches for 4 inches on size 4-6 needles, you won't be able to get 4.5 stitches an inch". (By the way I think someone on the Rogue knit-a-long did use this yarn). The conversation went back and forth between me and the sales girl regarding whether I'd be able to get swatch this to the right gauge. Long story short, I bought the yarn in black, my gauge on the 7's was PERFECT, and I will never ask for help in that particular store ever again.

Now here's an interesting story for you. On the drive home from the yarn store. I received a call from an old "friend" of mine. This person never calls unless she wants something and tonight was no different. Apparently she's looking for a copy of a pattern I have. In the course of our conversation, we were talking about yarns. She was commenting on some Koigu in her stash and how she used it before and didn't like it. I asked her what she made with it and why she didn't like it. She told she made a booga bag with it, I said "you mean with the yarn from me" she said yeah. I had extra skeins of Kureyon from an ebay auction I won and she wanted 3 so I sold them to her. I told her Koigu and Kureyon were not the same yarn, she said they were from the same company, I said no they weren't, and then a comment came from her about her not caring because she was not a yarn snob. Our conversation ended a few minutes later and as I hung up it dawned on me.. I think she was implying that I was a yarn snob!

I called up my fiance (He knows this women) and told him the story. He started laughing, I said "what is so funny?" he replied, "You know she just implied your a yarn snob?" I'm glad I amuse him. Actually the situation is sort of funny especially if you know the person in question. Oh well, I'm an equal oppurtunity knitter and proud of it.

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