Okay a recap. This was not a great week. I started off sick. Not cough, cough, hack sick but ewwww gross stomach bug and fever sick. I was out of work on Tuesday and Wednesday. You would have thought I'd get a lot of knitting done, but not really. I still haven't rectified the yarn situation to finish charlotte's web, so I started working on Rogue Wednesday afternoon. I casted on for both sleeves worked about 4 inches went to bed and the next morning to my horror I found..... *gasp, could it be* .... Two mistakes. One was a whole where I twisted a picked up stitch wrong, the other was some funky thing going on with the cable. (NOTE: funky thing is what happens when I try to use a dpn instead of cable needle and I twist the stitches 180 degrees on the needle before I knit them off) (2nd Note: Yes my knitting is THAT spastic!)
Anyhoo, I ripped back the sleeves to the hem and restarted yesterday. The cabling is coming VERY nice, here is a picture of one of the sleeves, the picture does no justice to that cable pattern:
In other news the work front has just gotten interesting. One of my bosses was laid off (I'm not going into it here). It will be very interesting to see how the next few months shape up. I'm both very excited and extremely nervous, you never can tell if these things are as good or bad as they appear.
I almost forgot, my SP e-mailed me the other day to tell me a package is on it's way. I'm so excited, that was a highlight of the week.
Well I should try to go to bed. I have a feeling I'm in for a rough week at work. I already worked on some stuff for a few hours tonight; it's never a good sign when you take work home over the weekend.
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