The update is this. I have to put Charlotte officially on hold. Now, you may ask why? Well the answer is quite simple, I , Heather have made a grave tactically error: I do not have enough yarn. I finally made it to where you start to add in the fifth color, and realized, I'm not sure I have enough of the forth to do the remaining 8 rows of alternating left, so I definitely do not have enough of the fifth color to make it to the end & fringe. I bought exactly 1 skein each of the 5 colors I chose. I told myself to buy a 2nd skein of the last color, but I did not listen. I thought this might become a problem and last week when I stopped over very quickly by Knit NY, I didn't see the color on display, but alas that is what I get for not being extra careful.
Where does that leave me now? In search of either a 2nd skein of the color I have here, or picking up two skeins of something that goes with what is already done. It's a busy week of appointments looking for a wedding DJ so I will not make it to any stores to shop. I may just find the yarn online and wait it out.
In any case, you live and learn, and boy did I learn. Here a partially picture of my shawl with the remaining balls of yarn.
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